Monday, February 1, 2010

The Photo Extended

Due Dates

2/8 Initial shooting due (discussion in class)
2/17 Final piece(s) due, printed with associated PSD files

Create a group of diptychs, triptychs, or extended grid(s) that covey meaning beyond the individual photograph.

The images should function within a theme or concept.

The images should creatively explore how multiple photographic images working together in a group can expand/contradict/confound/provoke what we might normally expect from our experience or of a singular image.

While the concept is wide open, it will be helpful to work from your own personal experience, interests or expertise. Also, review the links to artists presented in class.

Some ideas:

  • Consider conveying non-literal notions, such as memories, perceptions, symbols, or dreams
  • Consider creating a typology or classification system of your own invention and explore its visual (or other) implications.
  • Take an existing classification system and subvert it. For example, create images that undermine common stereotypes or attitudes
  • Create a linear or non-linear narrative

For whatever approach you take, try to push beyond the “one-liner” or the trite, and create something you can really stand behind. Get started early and work through several possibilities before committing to your final direction.

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