All images should be flattened jpegs (high quality), measuring 1200 pixels in the longest direction.
I will show you how to use image processor to automate this.
Files are due in the drop box (in designated folder(s)) by 1pm, Friday 4/30.
The portfolio shall consist of images from the following categories. These can be drawn from images already shot for the assignment, or reshoots. If you have revised your images, please indicate so in the filename (e.g.: asign1_jordan_resht1.jpg). Again, I will show you a useful techniques to speed up the file naming process.
The portfolio will be evaluated as an independent group of images, separate from the assignments from which they were drawn. Edit group of images wisely. Good idea to get multiple opinions about what to include (its okay to ask me in advance!)
- Creative shooting exercise (submit four strongest images)
- The photo extended - submit strongest image
- Digital photo montage - submit strongest image
- Photo-realistic montage - submit strongest image
- Identity made (in)visible - submit strongest image
- Two additional images may be submitted for extra credit